Policies and Bylaws


The Board of the Lake Michigan Sampler Guild has formulated some policies that may be added to, or changed by, the membership more readily than the by-laws can be altered. Such policies are intended to provide guidelines for the conduct of various guild activities.

Meeting/Workshop Policies

  1. There is a minimum participation of 12 members per workshop.
  2. No food or drink will be permitted at any table or general area where stitching is being done or displayed. A table, separated from stitching activities and/or displays, will be provided for all beverages and/or food.
  3. No pens are to be used at any table or general area where stitching is being done or displayed. Please use pencils only, for note taking.
  4. Whether or not a workshop kit will be provided to anyone who has registered for the workshop but cannot attend is at the discretion of the workshop teacher.
  5. Questions should be directed to workshop teachers.
  6. Deadlines for workshop enrollment and payment will be strictly enforced.

Teaching Fees

  1. The Lake Michigan Sampler Guild will pay each teacher who provides services at regularly scheduled Guild Meetings for a workshop not to exceed three (3) hours, a fee of $100. Each teacher shall receive a check for that amount.
  2. If a teacher desires, the fee or any portion thereof, may be returned to the guild as a donation.


The Glen Ellyn Public Library meeting room is being offered free of charge to the Guild. Library staff has requested that we park in the rear portion of the Library’s parking lot or in the nearby commuter lot.



The name of this organization shall be Lake Michigan Sampler Guild (hereafter referred to as the Guild).


The Guild shall be a nonprofit educational organization whose purpose shall be to promote the art of sampler making, both historic and contemporary, the study of sampler history, and the preservation of antique samplers.


Section 1. There shall be a minimum of six general membership meetings per fiscal year. One meeting must occur in October to announce the slate of candidates for elected office and one meeting must occur in November for the election of officers.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall meet quarterly, with at least one meeting occurring after the November elections, at which both the outgoing and incoming Executive Board members are present.

Section 3. Thirty (30) percent of the active members shall constitute a quorum for the transition of business at any regular meeting.


Section 1. Membership shall be open to any person, regardless of gender, race, age, color, religion, or creed, upon annual payment of dues.

Section 2. Active membership shall be entitled to receive all benefits of the Guild. These include receiving the newsletter and eligibility to attend all programs and participate in workshops offered by the Guild upon payment of any required fee. Active members shall be eligible to vote at general meetings and to hold office.

Section 3. Associate members shall receive the newsletter and may participate in one program meeting or workshop per fiscal year. Associate members shall be ineligible to vote or to hold office.

Section 4. Honorary membership may be awarded by the Executive Board. Honorary members shall receive the newsletter and may attend all meetings and workshops.

Section 5. Charter members shall be all members who pay dues before January 1, 1999.

Section 6. Guests may attend one meeting without becoming a member of the Guild.


Section 1. The fiscal year of the Guild shall be from January 1 through December 31 of the same year.

Section 2.

a. The membership of the Guild, upon recommendation of the Executive Board, shall approve such dues as are appropriate to accomplish the mission of the Guild.

b. Dues shall be due annually on January 1. Dues will be prorated beginning July 1 for new full-time members only.

Section 3.

a. Officers and committee chairpersons shall hold non-paying positions within the Guild and shall not be compensated for their services. Expenses, within an established budget, incurred in the course of their duties for the Guild shall be reimbursed by the Treasurer upon presentation of a written statement and receipts of expenditures.

b. The Guild may contract with members in their professional capacity.


Section 1. The elected officers of the Guild shall be President, First Vice President, First Vice President-Elect, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor. This group shall constitute the Executive board.

Section 2.

a. During the founding year of the Guild, all officers shall be elected. Thereafter, the President and the Treasurer shall be elected in the even numbered years for a term of two years. The First Vice President-Elect shall also be elected in the even numbered years for a term of one year. In the odd numbered years, the Second Vice President, the Secretary and the Newsletter Editor shall be elected for a term of two years. The First Vice President-Elect shall assume the duties of the First Vice President at the end of the First Vice President’s term of office.

b. No person shall hold more than one elected office at the same time and no individual shall be eligible to serve more than two terms in the same office. Term extensions shall be permitted by a vote of the membership at large.

c. The Executive Board is responsible for developing a list of prospective candidates for elected offices. In August of each year, the President will announce all upcoming office vacancies to the general membership and will request that members make recommendations and/or nominate candidates. Nominations may be submitted to any member of the Executive Board. The President will report the final slate of candidates to the general membership at the October meeting. In addition, nominations shall be reported to the general membership in the newsletter immediately preceding the November general membership meeting.

d. The Guild’s election shall be held at the November meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor with the prior consent of the member being nominated. The election shall proceed as a voice vote if only one nominee is made for an office, and written ballot if more than one person is nominated for that office.

e. Elected officers shall assume their duties January 1 following their election, except for the Second Vice President, whose term shall begin the second Sunday in November, just after being elected, and end the day before the meeting in November two years later.

f. A vacancy in any office shall be filled for the remainder of the term by any active member in good standing as appointed by the Executive Board or by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.


Section 1. The President shall preside over all Executive Board and general membership meetings, appoint committee chairpersons as approved by the Executive Board to fulfill the objectives of the Guild, and coordinate the work of all officers and committees.

Section 2. The First Vice President shall be responsible for all programs, including special workshops, contact prospective teachers, secure meeting places, and in the President’s absence, the First Vice President shall discharge the duties of the President.

Section 3. The First Vice President – Elect shall assist the First Vice President in the planning of programs. She shall plan the programs for the fiscal years she shall serve as the First Vice President.

Section 4. The Second Vice President shall act as Membership Chairperson and shall keep all records concerning membership in the Guild. The Membership Chairperson shall also be responsible for the annual membership list and the various membership and mailing lists.

Section 5. The Secretary shall record the minutes at all Executive Board meetings and general membership meetings. Written copies of the minutes shall be available for inspection

on the Guild website in the “Members Only” section.

Section 6. The Treasurer shall accurately account for all moneys received and disbursed by the Guild. The Treasurer shall prepare monthly written reports of financial activity. These reports shall be available at all general membership meetings. The Treasurer shall present the books for audit at the end of the fiscal year.

Section 7. The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for the publication, printing and mailing of Guild newsletters at least four times per fiscal year and other special mailings as requested by the Executive Board.


Section 1. Annually the President shall appoint all standing committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. These positions do not have a vote on Executive Board issues and may be for an unlimited term as long as the Executive Board approves them yearly.

Section 2. The Online Newsletter editor shall publish an on-line newsletter monthly to all guild members.  She shall maintain the integrity of the email address list to contain only paid members, honorary members, and the newsletter editor of the other sampler guilds for sharing purposes.

Section 3.  The Webmaster shall maintain the guild website to include our calendar, programs, and other items of guild interest.  She will work with the Executive board to protect the Internet privacy of guild members.

Section 4.  Advisor to the Board shall be a past president of the guild who acts as an advisor to the current board, especially in the areas of bylaws and policies.  She can use her experience to coach the current officers as needed.


Written notice of any proposed amendments must be presented to each member at least ten days prior to a vote by the general membership. An affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of those present is required for adoption of the amendment. Results of the voting shall be published in the newsletter following the voting.


In the event of the dissolution of the Guild, the Executive Board shall, with the approval of the general membership, dispose of all assets of the Guild to organization(s) that operate exclusively for charitable or educational purposes. The organization(s) shall qualify as tax-exempt organization(s) under the guidelines of the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501 (c) (3).


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this Guild in all parliamentary procedure in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.


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